Bulk Uploading And Tagging

Bulk upload and tag elements or fonts for faster conversion. You can upload up to 20 elements at a time and tag them all at once.    

To upload images, click on the Images tab and select Upload. Choose up to 20 images – maximum image size is 20MB.


Corjl accommodates JPG, PNG, SVG, and GIF formats, including animated GIFs. However, please note that GIFs or MP4s can only be viewed within Corjl and cannot be downloaded. Additionally, Corjl supports transparent PNGs.

When uploading text as an SVG, ensure it's outlined or converted into a shape prior to uploading.

To upload fonts, navigate to the Fonts tab and click on Upload. You can select up to 20 fonts in TTF, OTF, WOFF, or WOFF2 formats. Once your images or fonts are uploaded, you have the option to apply tags in bulk using the Tag All section. This feature streamlines the organization of your uploaded content.


You can also change image/font display names at the time of upload as well as add tags for easy searching and categorizing at the time of upload:

Once your Fonts and Images have been uploaded into your account, you will find you Images under the My Images tab and the fonts under the Fonts tab. You can edit the image/font name and add or remove tags by right-clicking on the name of the item and selecting Edit Properties from the menu:

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